Blocksystem cold rooms

Blocksystem Cold Rooms

Looking for the perfect refrigeration system for your business. We know how important refrigeration is for a wide variety of workplaces and industries. Whether you’re keeping fresh fruit and vegetables cool or your kitchen or keeping human tissue on ice for medical research, it’s essential that you have refrigeration solutions that are fit for purpose and highly efficient.

At we know that the right equipment makes all the difference. It can reduce your risk of wastage, improve your operational efficiency and even facilitate a healthier cash flow. That’s why we specialise in the manufacture and sale of flexible, high-performance and energy efficient Blocksystem Cold Rooms for use in a wide range of commercial and industrial use cases.

What are Blocksystem Cold Rooms?

Blocksystem Cold Rooms (also known as Pre-Engineered Wall Mounted Refrigeration Systems or Monoblock Cold Rooms) are purpose-built self-contained refrigeration units designed to provide efficient refrigeration that’s also tailored to your specific needs and available space.

Made with highly efficient Polyurethane foam insulation these units can be made to your exact requirements, combining flexibility and versatility with robust performance.

The benefits of Blocksystem Cold Rooms

At, we understand the importance of efficiency across a broad spectrum of industry uses. That’s why our systems are designed to integrate seamlessly into a wide range of spaces and industrial contexts, bringing a range of benefits to a wide array of users.

Here are just a few of the benefits you can enjoy with our Blocksystem Cold Rooms…

Maximise efficiency and cost-effectiveness

The polyurethane foam in our airtight refrigeration systems delivers optimal thermal and energy efficiency. This means that cold air stays where it’s supposed to be with minimal risk of leakage. This in turn means less risk of spoilage, less inventory waste, consistently lower energy bills, and a consistently healthy cash flow.

Reduce your carbon footprint

Because more efficient refrigeration means less energy use, it also means less use of finite resources to generate energy for your refrigeration systems. Because our Blocksystem Cold Rooms are designed to reduce energy costs, this has the added bonus of helping businesses to reduce their carbon footprint while they save money.

Make the most of your space

Short on space? Not a problem. Our Blocksystem Cold Rooms are designed to help optimise space saving and help you to make the most of the space you have available to you without impinging on your working space.

True flexibility

Our broad range of clients demands that our manufacturing methods be flexible. Fortunately, this allows us to create a staggering 35 different sizes of Cold Room with optional door positions and Block System locations to better suit the specific needs of each client.

Our flexible manufacturing system offers three "standard" external heights of 2.150m, 2.350m & 2.550m, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We also offer custom heights of up to 3.000m & modular dimensional increments of 100mm in every direction for a refrigeration system that’s specially tailored to your unique needs.

Want to know more about our Blocksystem Cold Rooms?

Get in touch with us today to tell us all about your requirements. We look forward to rising to the challenge.